Tuesday, 8 October 2013

A sad State of Affairs

I've been watching the whole fiasco with the USA and their recent government shut down. At first I thought it would be like proroguing Parliament. That life and everything else would go on but the politicians wouldn't get anything done. What it is in actuality is a whole lot worse. NOTHING gets done, everything "governmental" gets shut down and you can't get information on anything, you can't get money if you are poor and trying to survive and people are out of work because of places being shuttered.

I thought it was crazy when I heard that their system seems to keep everything so close together that it in fact seems to harm everyone when the great wheels stop turning. At the center of this is a controversy that seems so asinine that it goes beyond the pale.

One side is saying that they want to see the Obamacare or Affordable Healthcare Act underfunded or defunded altogether because it is "bad, awful, takes away your rights etc".

Other side is saying that these people are nuts, that the plan just makes things better for everyone but allowing all people to finally get some health insurance.

The one side doesn't seem to care about the fact that people are going hungry etc....they just seem to want to win their little concession especially with regards to women's rights to contraception among other stupidity.

The other side doesn't want to give in and be seen as weak. They definitely don't wish to negotiate with "hostage takers". I just think it is sad that the INNOCENT are being caught in the middle of this.

I know from personal experience that Social medicine isn't always a good thing, but it is infinitely better than your family starving or being put on the street because you can't pay your doctor/hospital bills.

I also know that this new plan for "ObamaCare" is NOT social medicine. It is something else entirely, something meant to appeal to those fools who can't bring themselves to pay more taxes so that everyone can benefit from better medical care.

It puzzles me that no one can seem to trust their news sources etc to report what Obama care REALLY means. Some have tried only to be called liars.

So when does this foolishness end? Does it end with the winter?  I just hope things get sorted before EVERYTHING goes to heck. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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