Thursday, 13 June 2013

I found the Numbers and boy are they crazy

 All the numbers below are straight from a website that shows the Amounts for Ontario for those receiving assistance from Ontario Works.(which was itself a copy of the information contained in the Regulations for Ontario Works) I will let you guys do the math but basically this was an eye opener.  Right now my family gets the couple rate with 2 dependent adults, and it is as if the one person under 17 is a nobody. For each additional child/adult add: ZERO if they are 17 or under. REAALLLLY??? What they don't actually eat or wear clothing? It made me sick. If you want a true shocker wait till you check out the MAXIMUM shelter costs for the family based on size. I don't know where a single person can get an apartment for 376 bucks a month. But this is REALITY for us. I guess they figure for food we will dig into child tax benefit and that is why we get nothing for the youngest, but most times the child tax goes to hydro as well. I don't know how to express my sadness at this. 

The Ontario Works rates changed in December 2012.
Low-income families with children under 18 years of age must ensure that they have filed their income taxes to be assessed for the monthly Ontario Child Benefit.
If you are receiving Ontario Works while this benefit is being processed, you may be temporarily eligible for the Transition Child Benefit from Ontario Works.
Basic Needs Amounts

Number of children / dependent adults*
Single Person
No children
1 child 17 years or under
1 dependent adult 18 or older
2 children 17 years or under
1 child 17 years or under, and 1 dependent adult 18 or older
2 dependent adults 18 or older
No children
1 child 17 years or under
1 dependent adult 18 or older
2 children 17 years or under
1 child 17 years or under, and 1 dependent adult 18 or older
2 dependent adults 18 or older

For each additional child / dependent adult:
  • add $0 if the child is 17 years or under
  • add $159 if the dependent adult is 18 or older
*Dependent adults are children 18 and older who rely on financial help from a social assistance recipient. For more information see: dependent adults and dependent children.

Employment and Social Services issues the Shelter Allowance based on:
  • your family size, and
  • your housing costs, up to the legislated maximum in the table below.
  • A single person paying $300 in rent will receive a $300 Shelter Allowance.
  • A couple with one child paying $650 in rent will receive $641, the maximum Shelter Allowance for a family of three.
Shelter Amounts
Family size
Monthly Maximum
Shelter Allowance
6 or more

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