Sunday, 2 June 2013

Welcome to welfare, get ready to get your MEMBERSHIP ID number

As promised I am continuing the family story. It goes something like this....

My husband was out there early in the morning, every day doing the programs, the job find clubs, putting the resume out with anyone who would take it. He even applied to just about every single Employment Agency in the City.(more about them later). Unfortunately, never having learned to drive, and relying on a bus in the City meant that a lot of employers were not interested, a lot of agencies couldn't find positions that didn't involve going to places off the bus route, and a lot of frustration for my already stressed spouse.

It was hard to watch my normally happy, vibrant spouse become so tired-looking and discouraged. Soon the money was gone, the Employment Insurance ran out and we had to make the move to Welfare. A lot of people on Social Network sites seem to think it is an easy process to go and ask for help from a Social Agency such as this, but it isn't. This isn't a lifestyle I would wish on anyone, INCLUDING those who call us deadbeats, and those who call us lazy. The process is complex, the paperwork huge and the money...small.

I took this directly from the website for applying for welfare: (SEE BELOW)

As you can see the list of documents is huge. Going around and collecting them is a tedious process, and very time consuming. If you are someone who has RRSP's FORGET will be told to cash them in and use them up first. My mother was close to retirement and when her roommate left she needed to get money, but when they told her she'd have to cash in her pension early, she declined their help.

They ask for the costs of all your bills, but the amount you get for shelter is a FIXED amount set by the province based upon the number of members in your family. The same is also true for the "basic needs" portion of your check, which is meant to cover food, clothing,  expenses like fire insurance, shoes, school supplies for your children and laundry.

You appear on the date of your appointment and must be there early even if you are sometimes kept waiting by your worker. You are interviewed and the documents are photocopied. ALL members of the household aged 18 and above MUST sign a participation agreement, unless like me, your doctor issues a deferral. If you have the agreement, you must follow through with the assignments given, and you are given an expense allowance to get a haircut, shoes, buspass and fees for some covered programs. But you must first ASK and receive permission before the funds are issued. If you are on a deferral like I am, you get nothing.

Your drug and dental covers the bare minimum. 2 fillings or extractions every 6months for anyone 18 and older. Cleanings if you are 18 and younger. Eyeglasses and exams every 2 years. You have to ask for permission to buy glasses from specific companies they work with.  Recently they took back the assistance for furniture, and for moving costs.

It is a very demeaning process, and some workers you get make you feel like you shouldn't be there, or you should never forget what you are now. In addition, you get a "membership ID number". Sounds like a club doesn't it? Except no one wants to be a member.

We are still in this club and it is no posh resort with swimming pools, gyms and vacations in warm climates. It is a club where your membership entitles you to feel like a failure, be treated like a lesser human being by your fellow human beings and where your family can get close to the fracture point because of the stress of never having enough and never being sure if next month will be your last month.

Our maximum shelter per month for a family of 5(for June/July/Aug): 750 ACTUAL RENT: 826 and going up again this January.
Maximum Basic needs: 753
Special Diet: 102 (without which we'd have bigger issues)
Buspass allowance: 2x .10 (it is to go to the transit and get the pass with)

TOTAL: 1605.20 + child tax for one about 325 a month 1930.20 a month

From all that we must pay for shelter, food, clothing, transportation for me because I am not eligible for a pass and must get out for doctor appointments and any dental appointments my family might need, as the "designated main client I have to sign all claim paperwork). We also have to pay for hydro, laundry and any other expenses that come up.

From Sept-May our money WAS:

Shelter for family of 5 (4 in their calculations): 695
Basic needs: 530
Special diet: 51
Buspass 2x .10

total 1296 plus 325  is  1621 a month

This is because my husband is in second career so they take him OFF the ontario works and then they deduct dollar for dollar all the second career money he gets during school. Last year was very very hard on us because one month we didn't have a check at all, and we also had to pay for lab fees not covered by Second Career or welfare. (as a second career participant he is considered to be a non contributing member to ontario works). I am proud to say though...despite the stress of not qualifying for Bursaries or special "financial need" money, he still managed to make the Dean's List. We have one more year of school to go, it is a frightening thing to think about, knowing that some months we will come up short. Me....I blog, and I take Coursera courses. I will share more about that later. For now I say good night, I have studying to do.

List of documents you will need

What you need
For example
Name and date of birth from an official government document
  • birth certificate, or
  • baptismal certificate, or
  • immigration papers, or
  • landing document, or
  • passport
Information on status in Canada, including the date you came to Canada (if you were not born in Canada)
  • Canadian Citizenship card, or
  • Permanent Resident card, or
  • Record of Landing, or
  • passport
Exact total amount of income (money that you and the members of your family receive), including start date and amount for each item
  • tax return, or income tax Notice of Assessment for the last year (for family members who are 18 years or older)
  • pay stubs (for family members who are 18 years or older)
  • statements from Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or other pension programs
  • Employment Insurance (EI)
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
  • Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Security (GIS) or Guaranteed Annual Income Security (GAINS)
  • student loans
  • child or spousal support agreements
  • sponsorship payments
  • any other type of income
Exact total amount of assets, including value and date purchased for each item
  • cash
  • bank books or statements (including name of bank, transit number, account number and date account was opened)
  • life insurance policies
  • copies of savings bonds
  • statements for Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Guaranteed Income Certificates (GIC), bonds or any other investments
  • etc.
Information on other assets, including value and date purchased for each item
  • property you own, other than where you live
  • vehicle(s) you own
  • other valuables including jewellery
  • trusts
  • pre-paid funerals
  • etc.
Exact total amount you pay for your housing (what you pay for where you live)
  • rent
  • board and lodging
  • utility bills
  • heating bills
  • mortgage agreement
  • property tax statement
  • home insurance premium statement
Employment information for family members with jobs
  • start date of employment
  • employer name
  • monthly income from work
Exact or estimated child care expenses (if applicable)
  • the amount you pay each month for unlicensed (e.g., babysitter) and/or licensed (day care centre) child care
  • extended day (school) program fees
Exact or estimated disability related work expenses (if applicable)
  • the amount you pay each month for disability related items or services so you can work or participate in a training program. For example,  attendant care, sign language interpreter services, specialized equipment, etc.
Exact or estimated specialized expenses for a child with a disability (if applicable)
  • the amount you pay every year for items or services for a child with a disability. For example, transportation to medical appointments, special equipment or clothing, home repairs, etc.

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