Sunday 30 June 2013

What a Friday!

Friday was a busy day for us. My father-in-law took us to a berry farm where we picked ourselves loads of strawberries to make jam with. We used honey and apples for the pectin so the jam is a bit runnier than store jam, but at least I know where my food came from. It left me a bit sore but I'm glad I went. It was nice to get out and pick the fruit fresh rather than having it shipped in.

We also visited our local food bank. This one is the "larger" food bank and thus the "extra" food. I thought I'd keep my word and show you what was in this month's gifting. (there was also some other items for the bathroom but I didn't think we needed to share that).

Anyway here it is:

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Discrimination and disdain are alive and well and living in some of us.

   Discrimination and disdain don't seem to be dead, they are simply hiding deep inside people. Like great beasts they lurk deep in some people, frustrated at the world that said "no, that isn't the right way to behave". They gnawed at the bars of their prison striving for freedom. They waited patiently for a day when people would have the freedom to say what they wanted...without fear of discovery.

  I have a friend who I met through a course, she's a wonderful woman. Kind, compassionate and willing to share with others. She cares for friend and stranger alike. I've never met her in person...but I like her. Well she wrote an article for Yahoo about the recent change in the AMA (American Medical Association) and it's policy concerning obesity. there's a word I hate. It makes a person sound like they are a creature, a "beast" with no feelings, just a problem with weight. She put herself out there, photo and all. She bared her soul and shared her world with us. What did she get in return for her bravery? Kudos? Cheers? No. She got rude comments. Harsh words. Critical statements. Compassion seemed to be dead.

I have been struggling with weight since I was small. The reasons I am big are many, they could take an entire book to try to sort through. Doctors like to simplify things, put them into boxes with labels and then diagnose them. Being fat is just not that simple. Now I know what you are going to say "it's a matter of eating healthier and exercising more", but believe me when I say it isn't that easy. Many different factors can come into play when it comes to being fat. Genetics, medical conditions, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise due to lack of desire, injury or ailment, emotional trauma, addiction to food, other emotional issues, poverty and shaming.

Ahh I surprised you with those didn't I? I bet you thought it was less complex than that. I am not going to go into details about ALL the reasons, Google exists and you can use it to explore all the various ways people have become fat as well as some of their pain and struggles with it. My own weight is a combination of many of those factors all interwoven like a tapestry. I can't see the actual design, I can't find the individual threads, but I'm trying.

Poverty I can't do anything about at this moment. We eat...what we can afford. Previous blog posts on here have shown you just ONE example of a food bank donation. We try to make the quality of our food better but money only goes so far so quantity can sometimes suffer. When our checks get cut...ANY chance of food suffers.  I do get out to walk as much as I am physically able, but a gym membership or getting as far away as the local pool are out of the question.

Shaming is another one I have experience with. Shaming involves the kind of cruel, petty, mean, hurtful and harsh words said to someone who is fat (or poor) without regard for whether or not they have feelings and can be hurt by these words. You might think that shaming will make a fat person lose weight but I can assure you the OPPOSITE is true. When you criticize, comment rudely, laugh, harass, stare at what we eat and how much and offer unwanted can make the person who is on the receiving end feel much worse. It can lead to that person wanting to go back to the old habits, or if the person is an emotional type of eater, it can make them eat to numb the pain. So what results will you have? None.

I suppose I should be angry with those who decide that being hidden behind a user name and computer screen means they have a right to voice their harsh and hateful words....but I'm not. I think that those who do it, do so because of fear. Let me explain. We all look at others and think "I would not want to be that person for anything." We also look at other people and say "Oh what I'd give to be that person".  The problem is, the person we envy is our ideal, the person we would not want to the thing we fear could happen to us.

You have to comment about welfare recipients being lazy because you don't want to believe that the world could be so bad, that there are not enough jobs to go around. You don't want to believe that IF you ever ended up like that you would be stuck in the same situation. You want to reassure yourself that YOU would handle things differently.

The same goes for weight. You want to believe that you could NEVER get fat...but you can. You want to believe that if that person you are insulting only "tried" they could lose weight, because you don't want to believe that you would never be able to yourself.

I hope that is the reason you'd be so cruel. I wouldn't want to believe that the world could be filled with selfish, spiteful, mean-spirited people who say things only to hurt others. I want to believe that we all are capable of thinking of our fellow travelers on this planet with love and compassion.

We fat (fabulous and talented) people don't want your pity. We don't want your advice. We also don't want to hear the latest fat joke (we've probably already heard them all). What we to be accepted the way we are, whether we are losing weight, or we're skinny, or we're fat.We deserve to be treated like other human beings.

When I was younger, I was only 40 lbs overweight and  I was always teased. Believe me when I say the sticks and stones may hurt for a while and bruises fade. Names ALWAYS hurt, and they remain as echos of the one(s) who hurt us. It reverberates inside of the mind never giving us a moment of freedom. We are chained to the words until we find a way to open the door and let the demons out.

So do the world a favor...DON'T be a demon. Be that voice that will echo inside the minds of others and say "I care about you, I like you for whatever reason, I don't care what you look like or how much you make. You are WONDERFUL." You'll feel better about yourself, and if someday you do have the misfortune of falling into my world, perhaps I'll be the first to extend my hand to help you stand again. I'll be the one waiting with a smile and a hug for you, telling you how wonderful you are.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Googling the Earth

I found myself in unfamiliar territory today. It all started with an archeology assignment. It ended up with me chickening out and going with plan B. Oh alright, there was a plan C of writing an essay and to be fair I didn't go for it so I guess I get half marks for getting part way there.

Truth be told I have no real experience with Google Earth except for the exploration of a few places here and there, so I felt it was time for me to dive in. I think I forgot to wear my life-preserver since I soon found myself over my head and practically drowning in a sea of green and brown.

It all started with trying to do with my first choice of assignment...trying to find a new and interesting area that an archeologist "might" want to check out. I went with great gusto, closed my eyes and dropped into the first place I clicked into...the AMAZON. It wasn't bad enough that my house FELT like the Amazon. It was hot and muggy and there is no air-conditioning here, but now I have to hunt through miles of green? What have I done??  I swallowed and took a deep breath. Okay...I can do this. Here we go.

I peered into what seemed to be mile after mile of green. Lots of green, perhaps "too much" green. In the back of my head I was saying "there is no such thing as too much green when it comes to our rainforests!", but the front of my mind was saying "oh yes there is".  My eyes got blurry and the green just got all mushed together. Then I saw it...a teeny square of brown. I zoomed in on it only to find it get MORE blurry not less. I blinked for a moment and tried harder to clarify the image. I checked buttons everywhere but couldn't figure out how to make things any better.

I decided to take my coordinates to another website and give it a go only to see....NOTHING. I clicked back to Google Earth and looked. The satellite map was made in 1970. Say what! In jungle years that is at least a thousand right? I gave up at that point and opted to head for a place I knew about and make the "guess where I went" assignment.

I'm so glad I chose that! I did a better job of writing clues than I had hunting dense green canopies for exciting new finds. I'm not done with Google Earth yet....I'm just postponing it for when I have more time to look.

Oh and next time....I'm skipping the Amazon. Perhaps I'll look for Atlantis in the ocean first.

Thursday 20 June 2013

I'm in a world of color and I need black and white

You don't truly realize just how poor you are.....until you try to do a project for art class.

Money is tight and so far I've managed to get away with using whatever is stashed away to create my projects, but this week's assignment threw me for a loop. Take a black and white photograph, print it out, trace it and then take black and grey and white newspaper and make a collage using the paper for the hues.

BIG PROBLEM....our newspapers here seem to be MOSTLY color. I never thought I'd ever see the day when I wished we had black and white again. I mean I figured the printing of the picture would give me a problem, after all I can't afford ink for the printer anymore so I was going to take a picture, render it black and white, turn it sideways and trace it off the computer screen.

I certainly didn't expect to get done in by a pile of beautiful color print newspapers. A business suit, someone gimmie a picture of a guy's back in a business suit taken in black and white. Give me a lady with white hair or wearing a white dress PLEEEEEEEEAASE.

I'm not sure why I am begging for pictures without color, I can't afford to buy the Free Press anyway, but even the smaller papers that are free contain a lot of color. Oh heck for that matter so does our Freeps. I had a peek at one while I was out for a dental appointment today...OMG where did they put my black and white. My beloved colorless pictures? Advertising in lovely shades, tints and tones, with nary a hint of  rainbow colors.

Technically the assignment isn't mandatory, I only need to do two. I just wanted to do all 5 because I like to truly get a feel for a new technique. So...if you'll forgive the pun....I'll go back to the drawing board.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Finally something to talk about again!

Finally some good news. Hubby's school made a mistake about the amount for the college tuition. It actually was NOT meant to be applied to the 2nd years so they are going to fix it so that now its only $100 owed...not $500. I was so relieved when I heard. It took a great deal of stress off our minds and gives us back some hope of not falling too far behind. I just feel bad for the new first years, they are about to get hit with a rather hefty hike in their tuition fees, something I know most can little afford. A lot of students already access food banks to try to keep eating but its getting worse every year, at what point do they say enough and fight back like the kids in Quebec tried to do?

I think it is sad that a large number of people look at a college education like it is a privilege. They are wrong, its a right, and in this day and age a NECESSITY. A lot of times if you are not in high school you REQUIRE a college diploma now in order to flip hamburgers. I feel so woefully under trained for such an environment. The competition for the few jobs we have is fierce and has led to these changes. I can't even work at a restaurant without Safe Food Handling, a bar without Smart Serve or a hotel without WHIMIS. It is very disheartening to think that these were jobs I have done before (cleaning and working in a restaurant) and I didn't need specialized certificates before, but suddenly now it's a necessity in order to have an advantage over other applicants.

On another note my daughter graduated from the ACE program today. A's and B's. I'm so proud of her accomplishments. Now all she needs to do is wait for the actual college program to accept her and then she's on her way. One of my sons needs to upgrade math, the result of having went to the WRONG high school for too many years. It was also why my daughter had to go to ACE upgrading. I'm still proud of all my kids for the hard work they have put in to their studies. (Changing schools to a more challenging one helped). I for one am proud of them every single day. They are doing very well and I know they can be whatever they want to.

One more pet peeve before I'm finished for now...we have a test here in our province to see if kids are literate before they can graduate from high school. The problem with this test is, it seems to prove everyone is NOT literate. The testing is not set to the level of courses these kids take, it is a test done at a much higher level meaning if you are not taught at the College or University level, you will very likely fail the test. My kids are all literate, they can all read and write quite well, but they didn't pass the test. Worse yet they failed to pass by as little as ONE mark. I'd love to try this test myself someday and see how well I'd pass it, better yet, get these politicians that created it to take it, I'll bet they couldn't pass their own tests. If you test a "workplace English" trained child with college and university level is going to be hard for them to pass, they haven't been taught the same skill sets for writing in particular.

 Either they should forget about this testing OR if they need it that badly, they should divide the test into 3 tests based on the English level of the student that is writing it. That way we know that the lower level students are able to read and write and get by in the world...and that college and university level kids are going to have no problem with those classes when they get to their respective schools. All kids deserve to be tested on their level, not made to feel badly because they don't meet a level they were never prepared for in the first place.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Some food for thought

I just thought I'd share our recent trip to one of the Food Banks here in my city. They do their best with what they are given and we are extremely grateful for their assistance. I just figured I'd start showing what you can expect from the various Banks in the City based on a family of 5. I assume it is meant to get us through about 2-3 days.

Thursday 13 June 2013

I found the Numbers and boy are they crazy

 All the numbers below are straight from a website that shows the Amounts for Ontario for those receiving assistance from Ontario Works.(which was itself a copy of the information contained in the Regulations for Ontario Works) I will let you guys do the math but basically this was an eye opener.  Right now my family gets the couple rate with 2 dependent adults, and it is as if the one person under 17 is a nobody. For each additional child/adult add: ZERO if they are 17 or under. REAALLLLY??? What they don't actually eat or wear clothing? It made me sick. If you want a true shocker wait till you check out the MAXIMUM shelter costs for the family based on size. I don't know where a single person can get an apartment for 376 bucks a month. But this is REALITY for us. I guess they figure for food we will dig into child tax benefit and that is why we get nothing for the youngest, but most times the child tax goes to hydro as well. I don't know how to express my sadness at this. 

The Ontario Works rates changed in December 2012.
Low-income families with children under 18 years of age must ensure that they have filed their income taxes to be assessed for the monthly Ontario Child Benefit.
If you are receiving Ontario Works while this benefit is being processed, you may be temporarily eligible for the Transition Child Benefit from Ontario Works.
Basic Needs Amounts

Number of children / dependent adults*
Single Person
No children
1 child 17 years or under
1 dependent adult 18 or older
2 children 17 years or under
1 child 17 years or under, and 1 dependent adult 18 or older
2 dependent adults 18 or older
No children
1 child 17 years or under
1 dependent adult 18 or older
2 children 17 years or under
1 child 17 years or under, and 1 dependent adult 18 or older
2 dependent adults 18 or older

For each additional child / dependent adult:
  • add $0 if the child is 17 years or under
  • add $159 if the dependent adult is 18 or older
*Dependent adults are children 18 and older who rely on financial help from a social assistance recipient. For more information see: dependent adults and dependent children.

Employment and Social Services issues the Shelter Allowance based on:
  • your family size, and
  • your housing costs, up to the legislated maximum in the table below.
  • A single person paying $300 in rent will receive a $300 Shelter Allowance.
  • A couple with one child paying $650 in rent will receive $641, the maximum Shelter Allowance for a family of three.
Shelter Amounts
Family size
Monthly Maximum
Shelter Allowance
6 or more