Friday, 5 July 2013

A question of election

Our City has a spot opening soon in the representation for Minister of Provincial Parliament and I decided that I would email the Green Party, Liberal Party, Conservative Party and NDP Party to see what their take on my family's life would be.

I want to know what their thoughts are about how people on Welfare and Disability are to survive on the pathetic amount of money given. I want to know if they think that what has been done to us over the years is an acceptable thing to do or not. After all in our system of government, this person will likely give more power to that party in our Government, so I want to be sure that what I choose and what my 3 other ADULTS of voting age choose....will be the right decision to make for all of us.

By all of us I don't just mean my own family but my family of poor and supposedly "undeserving" people who are told daily by those around us and those in political power that we are "lazy", "bums", that we take drugs or drink too much. That we LEECH off the system. That we LIKE being unemployed and drawing money from the rest of the taxpayers.

Politicians are the reason we are having to put our groceries where our rent is. Politicians are the reason why my husband's income comes of DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR even though it is taxed like REGULAR income. Politicians are the reason that every dollar we earn from a job comes off at 50%. Politicians are the reason I sometimes can't sleep at night because I know that my kids go to bed hungry, have to visit organizations to get extra meals, and why we have to get vouchers to get shoes and clothing. Why we have to budget our electricity like MISERS, why I have to take food money to pay for bus tickets. The list goes on.

So I guess I finally decided it was time to ask them the same question. I expect to get back the same "form letter" answer, but I'm going to give it a try. I'll let you know how it works out.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, Chris, it is those with the money who have the power. Those who can donate to the political campaigns in exchange for some thought from the politicians. It has been a long time since politicians thought at all of true public service. It has been a long time since the poor had a voice. The system we are living under rewards those who get ahead, and those who step on others on their way get their rewards even faster. If only people would realize that the best system is one that rewards the greater good, benefiting society as a whole instead of just those at the top.
