Sunday, 21 July 2013

You know there are problems when...

When the UN sends someone to check on the condition of those who are poor in your country, and he has nothing but negative reports to know it's time to make a change


I just wonder when the day for change will come. There are actually some people who feel awful at the way things are turning out for those with less money. Of course there are a few who aren't too sure of the rules either.

Both spouses on welfare have to share the same check, that goes double for any adult children on the system. ALSO anyone who gets child tax like me will get some money. In my case it seems like a lot, but I also don't get any money for that one child from welfare AT ALL.

Where do they expect me to get the school supplies, shoes, books, paper and pens/pencils etc from? End of the school year I wanted to help my youngest to get his certification for both First Aid and a Lifeguarding course (Bronze Medallion I think), but I couldn't afford to pay for it. He has the training and none of the papers to prove it.

That could have been a job for him, but without the proof it is useless. It frustrates me that I can't pay for anything he might need because he's also a "non contributing member". Yes IF he finds work he can pay for his own clothes etc, they don't deduct money from my check as long as my kid is in school. BUT he has to get that job first.

It saps your strength to go hungry, and it saps your strength of spirit to always ask for help. Maybe that is why I can't bring myself to ask for something as simple as a ride from people....I'm so used to asking for something that I want to have at least ONE thing I can have someone offer.

This sapping of spirit floods into your private life as well and makes it hard for you to relate to other people. How do you say "I can't (Fill in blank). There is no money for that.". It's embarrassing to have to say these things. It's almost like admitting you have failed.

The public in general doesn't have to shame those who are poor, we can feel embarrassed plenty on our own. I just can't wait for the day that my husband graduates and "hopefully" finds a position in that trade. Then perhaps I can have my earth ship in the countryside, and help others who are just like we are right now.

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